布目 寛幸
(ヌノメ ヒロユキ)
Nunome Hiroyuki
サッカー部 副部長
Football Biomechanics
In Sports biomechanics, the laws of physics are applied in order to gain an understanding of athletic performances through motion capture, mathematical modelling, computer simulation and other methods of measurement, using advanced technology. We are certain that the application of sports biomechanics in football, known as Football Biomechanics, will open your eyes to the underlying mechanics of high-level football performances.
Published in 2018
Publisher: Routledge, Oxon and NY
【Invited Lecture】
Myth and fact in coaching cues for soccer kicking
Date: 5 th December 2017
Venue: Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Our research group has made a series of novel attempts that focused on soccer kicking. Through these studies, we obtained several unique and unexpected results, some of which are supportive to the coaching cues while others are not in consistent with practical instructions.
Novel Attempts to Fill The Gap Between Scientific Knowledge and Coaching Cues in Soccer Kicking
Date: 19th September, 2018
Venue: Eskişehir, Turkey
In my talk, I would like to overview recent findings of soccer kicking biomechanics and also to shed some light on the veracity of some practical coaching instructions from a biomechanical perspective.
Football Biomechanics
In Sports biomechanics, the laws of physics are applied in order to gain an understanding of athletic performances through motion capture, mathematical modelling, computer simulation and other methods of measurement, using advanced technology. We are certain that the application of sports biomechanics in football, known as Football Biomechanics, will open your eyes to the underlying mechanics of high-level football performances.
Published in 2018
Publisher: Routledge, Oxon and NY
【Invited Lecture】
Myth and fact in coaching cues for soccer kicking
Date: 5 th December 2017
Venue: Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Our research group has made a series of novel attempts that focused on soccer kicking. Through these studies, we obtained several unique and unexpected results, some of which are supportive to the coaching cues while others are not in consistent with practical instructions.
Novel Attempts to Fill The Gap Between Scientific Knowledge and Coaching Cues in Soccer Kicking
Date: 19th September, 2018
Venue: Eskişehir, Turkey
In my talk, I would like to overview recent findings of soccer kicking biomechanics and also to shed some light on the veracity of some practical coaching instructions from a biomechanical perspective.